New Member Walkthrough
8:00 am - 10:00 am
200 Yard Range
All new members are required to attend a range safety walkthrough before they can purchase a range badge from the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore (AGC). New members may do their walkthroughs through Maryland Rifle Club (offered once per month, always on a Sunday) or the AGC (offered most Sundays). Some other clubs also provide walkthroughs, but Maryland Rifle Club does not recognize those walkthroughs for this purpose. Occasionally we conduct special walk-throughs for folks whose work schedules are a problem. For special scheduling issues, contact the MRC VP at
It is important to sign up in advance for a walkthrough. Group size is limited to 10 individuals. See below for sign-up information. If online sign-up doesn’t work, send email to
For the walkthrough, meet in the parking lot below the 200 yard range. The lot for the 200 yard range is at AGC Lane and Marriottsville Road, a few hundred yards south of the main entrance to the range. We start promptly at 8 am, so please be on time. We will walk all the ranges before they go hot at 9, then we will move into the range house for Q&A and paperwork.
You may then purchase your range badge from the AGC (MRC does not issue the range badges). You will be able to use the range as soon as you purchase your range badge. If you plan to shoot that day, secure all firearms in your vehicle until after you get your badge.
We strongly encourage you to print and read the range rules before you come. You can find them here: