Jon Grove Memorial Match 2018
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
200 Yard Range
Our annual match in honor of our late Trustee and Executive Officer, who was a lifelong competition shooter.
Match fee is $25 per competitor, and all fees will be donated to the Jon Grove memorial scholarship fund. Match is limited to 40 shooters so sign up early!
Calibers from .22 to .30 are permitted. Any semi-auto rifle, any sights permitted. Course of fire will be NRA Individual Rattle Battle (see below for rules). A plaque will be awarded for the high score.
Contact us if you are interested in participating:
Make checks payable to: Community Foundation of Howard County.
Memo Line: Jon Grove Memorial Scholarship.
Registration: Show up between 8:15-8:30am on the day of the match.
NRA Rattle Battle Match Rules
NRA Individual Rattle Battle Match Rules Number of additional rounds at each distance is the choice of the competitor, total rounds 60:
- 600 yards – Prone – 45 seconds – each hit worth 4 points
- 500 yards – Prone – 45 seconds – each hit worth 3 points
- 300 yards – Sitting/Kneeling – 60 seconds – each hit worth 2 points
- 200 yards – Standing – 60 seconds – each hit worth 1 point
- Targets – E Silhouettes at 500/600 yards and F Silhouettes at 200/300 yards. Each shooter will fire at 2 targets at each distance.
Each distance has a required 5 hits per target (10 minimum shots per distance); plus the competitor has an additional 20 rounds to be fired at any yard line of choice for bonus points that equal that strings’ point value. Any unused rounds will be counted as zero points and not penalize the shooter. No alibis allowed. Maximum possible score is 180 points.
Competitor note: We will be using reduced targets for 500/600 yards. You have to fire at least 10 rounds per distance at 2 targets (at least 5 rounds at each target). There will be 2 minutes allowed for 2 sighting shots per silhouette type. Bring at least 70 rounds per match. We will fire at least 2 matches, maybe 3. 20 & 30 round mags can be used.